One-page checkout 101: How it works and its benefits for businesses


Stripe Checkout is a prebuilt payment form optimized for conversion. Embed Checkout into your website or direct customers to a Stripe-hosted page to easily and securely accept one-time payments or subscriptions.

Learn more 
  1. Introduction
  2. What is one-page checkout?
  3. How does one-page checkout work?
  4. Are one-page checkout and one-click payments the same thing?
    1. One-page checkout
    2. One-click payments
  5. Benefits of one-page checkout for businesses
  6. One-page checkout best practices for businesses
  7. How Stripe can help

Research shows that customers prefer fast, easy ecommerce experiences. To reduce cart abandonment rates and improve customer satisfaction, many businesses have shifted to a faster, more streamlined checkout approach: the one-page checkout.

We’ll cover how one-page checkout works, the benefits it delivers to businesses, and best practices for implementation.

What’s in this article?

  • What is one-page checkout?
  • How does one-page checkout work?
  • Are one-page checkout and one-click payments the same thing?
  • Benefits of one-page checkout for businesses
  • One-page checkout best practices for businesses
  • How Stripe can help

What is one-page checkout?

One-page checkout is a condensed checkout process that collects all necessary transaction information on a single web page, allowing customers to complete their purchase without navigating multiple pages.

How does one-page checkout work?

To better understand how one-page checkouts operate, here’s a closer look:

  • Simplicity for the customer
    At its core, one-page checkout is about reducing the steps typically involved in an online purchase. Rather than asking customers to navigate through several pages for billing, shipping, and payment, everything is placed on a single, cohesive page.

  • Data input
    Customers are presented with fields to fill out, typically starting with personal details such as name and address and concluding with payment information. The goal is to ask for just enough data to process the order without overwhelming the customer.

  • Integrated payment
    Payment methods such as credit cards, digital wallets, buy now, pay later (BNPL), bank transfers, and other popular options are directly integrated into the page. There’s no need for customers to be redirected to another page or website. They select their preferred method, input their details, and proceed with the purchase.

  • Backend coordination
    As customers enter their information, systems validate this data in real time, ensuring that the email address formatting is correct or the credit card is valid. Payment gateways, connected via application programming interfaces (APIs), can authorize transactions almost instantaneously.

  • Feedback and confirmation
    Customers receive immediate feedback. If there’s an issue with any of the provided details, notifications alert them right on the page. Once everything is correctly filled out and payment is authorized, a confirmation—often accompanied by a receipt—signals the purchase is complete.

One-page checkout condenses and refines the online purchasing process. It minimizes steps while maintaining clarity, making online shopping faster and more straightforward for customers—all while the backend ensures everything runs smoothly.

Are one-page checkout and one-click payments the same thing?

Not exactly. While one-page checkout and one-click payments can both operate independently, combining them creates a fast, frictionless, and effective checkout experience. They complement each other: one-page checkout simplifies the initial buying experience, builds trust with new customers, and encourages returning customers to use one-click payments.

One-page checkout compresses the entire checkout journey onto one screen, while one-click payments use previously stored information to expedite future transactions. Let’s take a closer look at how their roles differ.

One-page checkout

  • Definition: One-page checkout consolidates the entire checkout process into a single web page. From entering personal information to selecting a payment method, everything happens on one page.
  • User experience: Users see all necessary fields at once, without jumping between different sections or pages. They input their billing, shipping, and payment details all in one place.
  • Primary goal: The intent is to simplify the checkout process, reducing the cognitive load on customers and potentially decreasing cart abandonment rates.

One-click payments

  • Definition: One-click payments rely on storing a customer’s payment information securely so that subsequent purchases can be made with a single click—without reentering all the details.
  • User experience: Once users have made an initial purchase and have chosen to save their payment details, future checkouts will go faster. On their next purchase, they can bypass the traditional checkout process and instead opt to pay instantly with their saved information.
  • Primary goal: Speed is the focus here. Since they no longer need to repeatedly enter payment details, returning customers can enjoy a rapid, simple buying experience.

Ecommerce platforms can integrate both systems to serve a broad range of customers. New customers experience the benefits of one-page checkout. Once they become returning customers, the platform elevates their experience further with one-click payments. One-page checkout serves as an introduction, paving the way for the even more efficient one-click payment system. Let’s look more closely at how one-page checkout and one-click payments work together.

  • First-time user experience
    For a new customer on an ecommerce website, one-page checkout is simple and straightforward. This customer can see all required fields on one screen, with a clear, linear flow from inputting personal information to submitting the final payment.

  • Building trust
    After experiencing the ease of one-page checkout, the customer might be presented with an option to save their payment details for future transactions. By simplifying the initial experience, the platform might increase the likelihood that a customer will trust it enough to store payment details.

  • Return visits
    When this customer returns for subsequent purchases, the system remembers their stored payment details. Instead of going through the one-page checkout process, the customer can opt to make their purchase with a single click, using the payment information saved from their initial transaction.

Imagine a funnel where all of your prospective customers are at the top. One-page checkout acts as a filter, making the initial transaction process less cumbersome and reducing drop-offs. As these customers move down the funnel and become repeat purchasers, the one-click payment system takes over, offering an even more improved experience for loyal, returning customers.

Benefits of one-page checkout for businesses

One-page checkout systems are one of many strategies businesses adopt to meet customer expectations for ecommerce. Here are some of the business benefits of this approach:

  • Reduced cart abandonment
    With every additional page or step, the likelihood of a customer abandoning their cart increases. By condensing the steps into a simpler checkout process, businesses can reduce customer drop-offs.

  • Improved user experience
    A simple checkout process communicates respect for the customer’s time. It reduces frustration, leading to a more positive interaction with the platform.

  • Lowered operational costs
    Streamlining processes often translates to cost savings. Managing, troubleshooting, and optimizing one-page checkouts can be less resource-intensive than overseeing a multipage system.

  • Simplified data collection and analytics
    With everything on one page, it’s simpler to track customer behavior and gather insights. Businesses can quickly identify points of friction or areas for improvement, using heat maps or behavior flow analysis.

  • Centralized backend management
    From a technical standpoint, a unified page might be easier to maintain and update than a multistep process. It allows for a more centralized system of handling user inputs and interactions.

  • Increased adaptability
    Single-page systems can be more agile. Implementing changes and testing new features might be more straightforward for one page compared to multiple interconnected pages.

  • Faster loading times
    Instead of loading multiple pages in succession, which can strain servers during peak times, loading a single page can offer better performance and quicker transaction times for customers.

One-page checkout is not just a trend; it addresses the core needs of businesses and their customers. By focusing on simplicity and efficiency, businesses can facilitate simpler transactions, gain clearer insights, and elevate the customer experience by merging functionality with user-centric design.

One-page checkout best practices for businesses

While one-page checkout might appear simple on the surface, the design decisions and user experience considerations underpinning this approach are extensive and require deep consideration. The goal is to minimize friction, reduce potential barriers, and offer a swift yet comprehensive checkout experience.

Businesses can reduce cart abandonment and provide a frictionless shopping experience with one-page checkout—if they execute it the right way. Here are a few best practices:

  • Minimalistic design
    Keep the checkout design interface uncluttered. Avoid unnecessary graphics, and focus on a layout that guides the user’s attention to the most important elements.

  • Clear call to action (CTA)
    The primary CTA button, such as “Complete purchase,” should be distinct and easily identifiable.

  • Flexible payment options
    Offer a range of payment methods to support a diverse user base. This includes credit and debit card options, digital wallets, and any region-specific payment methods.

  • Error handling and feedback
    If a customer makes an error during input, provide clear and immediate feedback. This reduces the customer’s frustration and the potential for cart abandonment.

  • Guest checkout option
    While capturing customer data for future marketing can be valuable, it’s important to offer a guest checkout option for customers who prefer not to create an account.

  • Progress indicators
    Even within a one-page system, showing a progress bar or indicators can help customers understand the steps involved and how many are left.

  • Visible trust signals
    Display trusted badges, testimonials, or other indicators to assure customers of the website’s legitimacy and the safety of their data.

  • Autofill and suggestions
    Where possible, use autofill options at checkout to make the process faster for the customer. For fields such as addresses, suggesting completions can be helpful.

  • Mobile optimization
    Since a significant percentage of customers shop on their smartphones worldwide, make sure the one-page checkout is optimized for mobile devices.

  • Easy-to-find customer support
    Offer easily accessible support links or buttons for customers to reach out. Whether it’s an FAQ section, live chat, or helpline, having easy access to support allows customers to know how to contact your team if needed.

The effectiveness of a one-page checkout depends on how well it’s executed. Incorporating these best practices enables businesses to eliminate friction and create a user-centric, straightforward checkout flow.

How Stripe can help

It can be difficult to achieve speed, flexibility, and security in online transactions. Customers expect businesses across sectors to deliver a swift and intuitive payment experience that also prevents fraud and can handle any transaction volume.

Stripe Checkout; Link, Stripe’s accelerated checkout solution; and Stripe Payment Links are part of Stripe’s extensive suite of payment solutions designed to meet these needs. Working together, these features help accelerate and simplify the payment process, which can lead to happier customers and increased revenue. Let’s take a look at how Stripe addresses these challenges:

  • Swift payment completion
    Satisfying online customers includes providing them with a swift and easy transaction. Link, Stripe’s accelerated payment function, accomplishes this by securely saving customer data after an initial purchase. In subsequent transactions, this saved information allows customers to check out faster, speeding up the checkout process substantially.

  • Lower cart abandonment
    Complicated checkout processes can frustrate customers and lead to abandoned carts and potential revenue loss. Stripe’s one-page checkouts solve this problem by making it easy for customers to finish transactions quickly. A faster, simpler process increases the likelihood that customers will complete their purchases.

  • Flexibility across business types
    Whether you are a subscription-based service, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) entity, an online retailer, or an ecommerce business, Stripe’s one-page checkouts are designed to integrate smoothly with the rest of your payments infrastructure. They also work well with other Stripe services to provide a quick payment experience.

  • Data management and compliance
    Stripe manages customer data according to the most stringent standards, storing key details such as card information in a PCI-compliant way. This allows businesses to offer one-page checkouts without sacrificing security.

  • Rapid deployment
    Link and Payment Links allow businesses to quickly establish customized, branded payment pages without the need for coding. This speeds up the implementation of various payment options, including an accelerated checkout.

  • Global reach
    Stripe’s one-page checkout solutions aren’t limited by geography. With the ability to support over 135 currencies, businesses can extend the convenience of fast checkout to customers worldwide without having to handle currency conversion complications.

  • Safety measures
    Stripe’s payment solutions are equipped with fraud detection and other risk management functionalities, providing peace of mind to customers that their financial details are well protected during the one-page payment process.

  • Data-driven decision-making
    Monitoring the effectiveness of your one-page checkout setup is simple with Stripe’s analytics. These insights make it easier to observe customer behavior and adapt your business tactics as needed.

Read more about the benefits of Checkout—including prebuilt payment user interfaces (UIs) and popular payment methods—and how Link can autofill payment details for quicker checkout.

The content in this article is for general information and education purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Stripe does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the information in the article. You should seek the advice of a competent attorney or accountant licensed to practice in your jurisdiction for advice on your particular situation.

Ready to get started?

Create an account and start accepting payments—no contracts or banking details required. Or, contact us to design a custom package for your business.